TransMed Fall School. New narrations about diversities. Call for application

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TransMed Fall School. New narrations about diversities. Call for application
14th – 15th – 16th OCTOBER 2021

Is the first Fall School of Link identifier #identifier__129318-1MECS - Master Expert in historical communication: multimedia and digital languages, in collaboration with Link identifier #identifier__144408-2PriMED Network

The seminar cycle, in English, provides a multidisciplinary framework on the theme of diversity in the Mediterranean area, with particular attention to how it has been and is expressed by the younger generations. It also provides cultural and technical tools to narrate and communicate the linguistic, cultural, social and religious diversity.
With the Trans-Med Fall School you will acquire knowledge about:
  • cultures and layers from a legal, sociological and anthropological perspective
  • processes of cultural interaction in the Mediterranean
  • social, cultural and artistic practices 
  • youth cultures, subcultures and pop cultures
  • ways and tools to narrate diversity
  • institutional and administrative authorities: bottom-up and top-down perspectives

The Fall School is free.
The lessons will be held in English on the Microsoft Teams platform.
No recognition of previous skills and no special prerequisites are required.
To obtain the attestation  the student must have attended at least two thirds of the lessons and complete the final work project.
From 10 to 100 students will be admitted.

To participate send, by October 03th 2021, a Short Curriculum Vitae and motivational letter (max. 500 words) to  Link identifier

For more information on TransMed Fall School please visit Link identifier

Link identifier #identifier__3613-5Locandina
Link identifier #identifier__69861-1Link identifier #identifier__146112-2Link identifier #identifier__115054-3Link identifier #identifier__53595-4