Trans-Med Fall School
Is the first Fall School of MECS - Master Expert in historical communication: multimedia and digital languages, in collaboration with PriMED Network
14th – 15th – 16th OCTOBER 2021
The seminar cycle, in English, provides a multidisciplinary framework on the theme of diversity in the Mediterranean area, with particular attention to how it has been and is expressed by the younger generations. It also provides cultural and technical tools to narrate and communicate the linguistic, cultural, social and religious diversity.
With the Trans-Med Fall School you will acquire knowledge about:
- cultures and layers from a legal, sociological and anthropological perspective
- processes of cultural interaction in the Mediterranean
- social, cultural and artistic practices
- youth cultures, subcultures and pop cultures
- ways and tools to narrate diversity
- institutional and administrative authorities: bottom-up and top-down perspectives
Call for application
The seminar cycle aims to respond to the growing demand on how to narrate and communicate effectively the complexity of issues related to the history and stories, culture and cultures of the Mediterranean.
Specifically, the objectives are:
- knowledge of the geographies, cultures and stories of the Mediterranean through some key words
- acquisition of technical professional multimedia languages
- increase of communicative skills for the foundation of a media culture
- acquisition of skills for team working
The course includes a commitment of 150 hours, which can be converted into CFUs according to your faculty secretary, divided between distance learning, meetings with tutors and final project work.
Classes will take place on Thursday the 14th and Friday the 15th, morning and afternoon, and Saturday the 16th, morning only.
14th October - Informasistemi, Rome - Zoom Meeting
14:15 - 15:00 (Rome CET)
Manfredi Merluzzi, RomaTre University - Intro + “For a history of the Mediterranean”
15:00 - 15:30 (Rome CET)
Gennaro Gervasio, RomaTre University - “Political movements and revolutions”
15:30 - 16:00 (Rome CET)
Maria Chiara Giorda, RomaTre University - “Religious spaces between conflict and accommodation”
16:00 - 17:00 (Rome CET)
Paola Perucchini, RomaTre University - Bryan McCormack, Artist - President Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow (YTT) association - “Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow: Human Rights Education in the
17:00 - 17:30 (Rome CET)
Massimo Giuseppetti, RomaTre University - “Theōria: Seeing the Self and Seeing the Other in Ancient Greece”
15th October - Microsoft Teams
10:00 - 10:45 (Rome CET)
Vivianna Premazzi, Sociologist and Social Entrepreneur - “Cultural diversity and inclusion in the Mediterranean area”
11:00 - 11:45 (Rome CET)
Giampaolo Conte, RomaTre University - ‘Capitalism, inequality and debt in the wake of the Arab spring’
15:00 - 15:45 (Rome CET)
Gabriele Proglio, Professor at University of Gastronomic - Sciences of Pollenzo - “The Mediterranean: An Historiographical debate from Fernand Braudel to the present day”
16:00 -16:45 (Rome CET)
Amara Lakhous, Writer and Professor at New York University - “Colonialism Extended and Post-independence Algeria”
17:00 - 17:45 (Rome CET)
Iain Chambers, University of Naples l'Orientale - “At the edges of history: the Mediterranean question”
19:00 - 20:40 (Rome CET)
MaGa Production – Documentary: Dove vanno le nuvole - “Where the clouds are going”, Italia 2017 (75’ min Documentary)
16th October - Microsoft Teams
09:00 - 09:45 (Rome CET)
Alessandro Ferrari, Insumbria University - “Religious Freedom and Constitutions in the Mediterranean”
10:00 - 10:45 (Rome CET)
Bassant Hassib, British University in Egypt - “EU Promotion of Democracy and Human Rights: The Neighborhood Civil Society Facility in Egypt”
11:00 - 11:45 (Rome CET)
Zoorama (Bombardieri - Benso - Panatta) - progetto documentario ‘Nella Scarpe di mio padre’
The lessons will be recorded and it will be possible to view them on a later date.
Roula Abi Habib Khoury, Professor at Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut: “New form of religiosity and political idealism in Lebanese youth”
Iain Chambers, Professor at University of Naples l 'Orientale
Giampaolo Conte, Professor at Roma Tre University
Alessandro Ferrari, Professor at Insubria University - PriMED
Gennaro Gervasio, Professor at Roma Tre University - PriMED
Mariachiara Giorda, Professor at Roma Tre University - PriMED
Massimo Giuseppetti, Professor at Roma Tre University
Amara Lakhous, Writer and Professor at New York University
MaGa Production, independent Film and Television Production Company
Bryan McCormack, Artist - President Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow (YTT) association
Manfredi Merluzzi, Professor at Roma Tre University
Paola Perucchini, Professor at Roma Tre University - PriMED
Vivianna Premazzi, Sociologist and Social Entrepreneur
Gabriele Proglio, Assistant Professor at University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo
Manfredi Merluzzi, Roma Tre University
Gennaro Gervasio, Roma Tre University - PriMED
Mariachiara Giorda, Roma Tre University - PriMED
Paola Perucchini, Roma Tre University - PriMED
The Fall School is free.
The lessons will be held in English on the Microsoft Teams platform.
No recognition of previous skills and no special prerequisites are required
To obtain the attestation the student must have attended at least two thirds of the lessons and complete the final work project.
From 10 to 100 students will be admitted.
To participate:
Send, by October 08th 2021, the following documents to Link identifier
- Short Curriculum Vitae
- Motivational letter (max. 500 words).*
- The subject line of the email must be APPLICATION TRANS-MED FALL SCHOOL 2021.
- Documents should be named: DocumentName_Surname (ex. CV_XXX)
- Must be well specified : First name - Surname - main email address.
The list of those admitted will be communicated exclusively via email by the secretariat of Trans-Med fall School.
For information: Link identifier