Transmissions 3rd edition

image 91977TRAN(S)MISSIONS

how multimediality shapes interdisciplinary research
in the field of Italian and Visual Culture Studies

10-15 January 2023, Università degli Studi di Roma Tre
in collaboration with University College London

The “digital revolution” forces us both to rethink the correspondences between art and science and to reconsider the role of technologies in literature.

The Winter School Tran(s)missions: how multimediality shapes interdisciplinary research in the field of Italian and Visual Culture Studies explores the meaning of interdisciplinarity and multimediality using a synergistic approach that combines different methodologies coming from the field of Italian Studies, Digital Humanities, studies on digital cultures and research methods focused on the materiality of the object.

Through the application in a laboratory form of the devices used in Digital Humanities, the Winter School stimulates innovative  interdisciplinary thinking, and provides participants with the tools suitable for the identification of relationships that affect the multimediality from the textual, visual and spatial point of view, and how it is presented in different media, forms and literary sources in the early modern and contemporary world.

The inclusion of scholars and artists working in the international field, and coming from different sectors, is seen in a dialogical key to widen the debate around Digital Humanities and digital cultures, in order to encourage a comparison between different methodologies and alternative procedures involving the field of Italian Studies.

The program, in hybrid format online and in person at the Department of Humanities of Roma Tre (via Ostiense 234, Rome), includes morning classes and afternoon workshops dedicated to the realization of a research project and a final exhibition. The lessons will be held in Italian and English. Among the proposed activities are roundtables, one-to-one tutorials and group workshops, visits to institutions and informal discussions on the topics addressed by the Winter School.

The visits will take place at the Gagosian, Lorcan O’Neill, Gladstone and Frutta Galleries, the Domus Aurea, Santa Maria Antiqua, Palazzo Valentini, and the Litografia Bulla, while the exhibition will take place in virtual form on the New Art City Virtual Art Space ( and on site at Spazio Taverna (Palazzo Taverna, Rome). The research and discussion results will be published on the GitHub platform.

It will also be possible to produce a publication in the form of a scientific article or catalogue with the presentation of the works and theoretical contributions made in occasion of the Winter School.

The call to participate in the Winter School is open to students and researchers, artists, curators, library science specialists, engineers, technicians-archivists who conduct interdisciplinary studies in the field of Italian and Cultural Studies, opening their perspectives of investigation to the relationship between word and image, visual culture, media studies, material culture studies, film studies, digital storytelling, creative writing, digital and public humanities, visual arts, art history, history, and computer science. A good knowledge of English is desirable.

To participate you should send a short CV, and a motivational letter (500 words) with a presentation of the project you intend to carry out during the Winter School to the email address: The project can be ongoing (to further develop during the Winter School) or a new project. The application deadline is December 10, 2022.

The tuition fee is 250€ (plus administrative taxes), the deadline for payment is January 3, 2023. For information visit the Winter School website: Link identifier #identifier__47885-1

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Monica L'Erario 08 Novembre 2022