QualificaRicercatore tempo det. Legge 240/2010
Settore Scientifico DisciplinareANGL-01/C
IndirizzoVia del Valco di San Paolo 19
  • Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Straniere
Altre informazioniCurriculum
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Profilo INSEGNAMENTI Prodotti della ricerca Avvisi Ricevimento e materiale didattico

Contributo in Rivista

  • Transitivity and Agency in Richard Jefferies’s Rural Essays: An Ecostylistic Analysis, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2024Link identifier #identifier_person_37850-1 Dettaglio
  • A Stylistic Approach to Literary Translation in Periodicals: The Case of Virginia Woolf into French, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_90474-2 Dettaglio
  • Gender and Genre in Translation: The Linguistic Construction of Femininity in the American and French Editions of Early 1920s Vogue, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_183639-3 Dettaglio
  • Implicit Meaning and Gender Ideologies in Interwar Good Housekeeping Magazine, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2023Link identifier #identifier_person_84420-4 Dettaglio
  • “A little article on Queen Elizabeth’s nose for Eve": Virginia Woolf ’s "The Waxworks at the Abbey" between Tradition and Modernity, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_94408-5 Dettaglio
  • “Joyce, qui est aussi célèbre en France qu’en Angleterre – sinon d’avantage": Critical Responses to Ulysses in French Literary Reviews of the 1920s and 1930s, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_72142-6 Dettaglio
  • “The Ethics of Writing at High Rates for Fashion Papers": Virginia Woolf’s Short Stories for Harper’s Bazaar, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2022Link identifier #identifier_person_1176-7 Dettaglio
  • “Archaeologies of the Mind: James Joyce‟s Ulysses and Pre-Freudian Psychology of the Unconscious”, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_8392-8 Dettaglio
  • Beastly Modernisms: The Question of Animal Speech and Psychology in James Joyce and Virginia Woolf, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_162445-9 Dettaglio
  • Fears, Old and New, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_41424-10 Dettaglio
  • From Animal Anthropomorphism to Human Animality in Ulysses: Joyce After Cervantes, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_168738-11 Dettaglio
  • Ulysses and the Textual Space of Little Magazine Serialisation, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2021Link identifier #identifier_person_23164-12 Dettaglio
  • Challenging the Model: Joyce and Michel Butor, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2020Link identifier #identifier_person_180191-13 Dettaglio
  • “Dear Henry" / "Dear Jim" / "My Dearest Nora": Fictional and Private Language in Joyce, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_93966-14 Dettaglio
  • “I must not settle into a figure": French Portraits of Virginia Woolf in the Shadow of Proust and Joyce, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_4223-15 Dettaglio
  • “Truth! Truth! Truth!": Image and Text, Fact and Fiction in Virginia Woolf’s Orlando, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_40289-16 Dettaglio
  • The Window: Framing Reality in Jacob’s Room, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2019Link identifier #identifier_person_163455-17 Dettaglio
  • “Being Expats Together": Joyce in Expatriate Little Magazines and Biographies, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_176580-18 Dettaglio
  • “This Loose, Drifting Material of Life": Virginia Woolf’s Diaries and Memoirs as Private Epitexts, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2018Link identifier #identifier_person_177044-19 Dettaglio
  • Word and World, Fiction and Reality in Ulysses: Joyce as Realist/Hyperrealist/Antirealist, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2017Link identifier #identifier_person_118290-20 Dettaglio
  • “The Mirror up to Nature": Reflexivity and Self-Reflexivity in Ulysses and Hamlet, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2016Link identifier #identifier_person_44216-21 Dettaglio
  • "To Snap Us as We Are": The Implied Camera in Virginia Woolf’s The Lady in the Looking-Glass: A Reflection, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_115052-22 Dettaglio
  • “What Bogeyman’s Trick Is This?": "Circe" and Revival Drama", FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_96823-23 Dettaglio
  • Virginia Woolf and Nathalie Sarraute, between Language and Silence, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2015Link identifier #identifier_person_49095-24 Dettaglio
  • “Art Thou Real, My Ideal?": Realism and Anti-Realism in Ulysses, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_104990-25 Dettaglio
  • La parola e il silenzio in Virginia Woolf e Nathalie Sarraute, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_38112-26 Dettaglio
  • The Painter in the Novel, the Novelist in the Painting: To the Lighthouse and Vanessa Bell’s Portraits of Virginia Woolf, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2014Link identifier #identifier_person_44059-27 Dettaglio
  • Il romanzo modernista e il nouveau roman tra parallelismi e continuità: il caso di James Joyce e Michel Butor, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_98695-28 Dettaglio
  • Modernist Fiction and the French Nouveau Roman: Transnational Connections, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2012Link identifier #identifier_person_80679-29 Dettaglio
  • Frammenti di vita e di poetica: Moments of Being di Virginia Woolf e Enfance di Nathalie Sarraute, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2010Link identifier #identifier_person_115029-30 Dettaglio
  • “Broken sentences, single words": la punteggiatura nella narrativa di Virginia Woolf, FEDERICI, ANNALISA, , 2006Link identifier #identifier_person_37975-31 Dettaglio


  • LEPRONI, RAFFAELLA; FEDERICI, ANNALISA, Joyce Studies in Italy 22. Joyce's Others / The Others and Joyce, JOYCE STUDIES IN ITALY, issn 2281-373X, vol. 22, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_20409-32Dettaglio
  • LEPRONI, RAFFAELLA; FEDERICI, ANNALISA, Joyce's Others / The Others and Joyce. Joyce Studies in Italy 22, JOYCE STUDIES IN ITALY, issn 2281-373X, vol. 22, 2020 Link identifier #identifier_person_53469-33Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, “In a Kind of Retrospective Arrangement”: Essays on James Joyce and Memory, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_136273-34Dettaglio
  • MC COURT, JOHN FRANCIS; CAMPBELL, MATTHEW; TERRINONI, ENRICO; ZACCHI, ROMANA, Joyce, Yeats, and the Revival. Joyce Studies in Italy, no. 17, JOYCE STUDIES IN ITALY, issn 2281-373X, vol. 4 New series, pp. 1 278, 2015 Link identifier #identifier_person_60720-35Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, Il linguaggio e la realtà. La narrativa modernista di Virginia Woolf e James Joyce, 2011 Link identifier #identifier_person_90081-36Dettaglio

Contributo in volume e atti di convegno

  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, Assuming Ideals of Femininity and Ideal Female Readerships in the Fashion Content of Early1920s Vogue: A Critical Stylistic Analysis, pp. 89 108, 2023 Link identifier #identifier_person_100164-37Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, La sfida con il modello: Joyce e Michel Butor, 2022 Link identifier #identifier_person_97941-38Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, “Was She Really a Snob? Virginia Woolf, the ʽBattle of the Browsʼ and Popular Print Culture”, pp. 171 192, 2021 Link identifier #identifier_person_1954-39Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, “This loose, drifting material of life": Virginia Woolf between the Private and the Public, pp. 143 163, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_180446-40Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, “ʻThis loose, drifting material of lifeʼ: Virginia Woolf between the Private and the Public”, pp. 143 163, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_60169-41Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, Glass, Frames, and Mirrors in Virginia Woolf, pp. 69 78, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_11549-42Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, Mind Strata: Layers of Consciousness in James Joyce’s Ulysses, pp. 141 160, 2019 Link identifier #identifier_person_151691-43Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, The Transatlantic Review and the Nouvelle Revue Française, between Tradition and Modernity: the Ford-Larbaud-Joyce Connection, pp. 115 128, 2016 Link identifier #identifier_person_34539-44Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, The Specificity and Alterity of the Literary Text (bey)on(d) the Limits of Modernism: James Joyce and Samuel Beckett, pp. 37 53, 2014 Link identifier #identifier_person_80599-45Dettaglio
  • FEDERICI, ANNALISA, La vaghezza dell’oggetto percepito nelle short stories di Virginia Woolf, pp. 227 245, 2012 Link identifier #identifier_person_133774-46Dettaglio