20711437 - Greek Epigraphy (Master level) LM

Lo studente acquisirà conoscenze avanzate sulla disciplina attraverso (a) l’approfondimento seminariale delle caratteristiche formali e contenutistiche e dei modi di utilizzazione in sede storica di determinate categorie di testi epigrafici; (b) la lemmatizzazione, lettura, trascrizione, l'interpretazione e l'inquadramento storico-critico di iscrizioni edite ed inedite. Rafforzerà inoltre la conoscenza delle tecniche e delle convenzioni fondamentali per la schedatura e per l’edizione dei testi epigrafici.
scheda docente | materiale didattico


The course is divided into four parts.
The first part aims to clarify the boundaries of the discipline, the semantic system underlying it, and the theories about the ways and times of the adoption of alphabetic writing in ancient Greece.
The second part, entitled “From Psephos to Psephisma”, examines the role of writing in the judicial, normative and legislative procedures. It considers a number of different types of inscriptions which illustrate the evolution of this process, from the simple inscriptions of the instrumentum publicum to the more elaborate epigraphic representation of assembly decrees.
The third part, “Greeks and non-Greeks in Magna Graecia”, is dedicated to an in-depth examination of a distinctive historical context. It employs the epigraphic approach to investigate the interactions between the Greek people of Magna Graecia and the indigenous populations. A particular emphasis will be placed on the relationship between the Tarentines and the Messapians.
The fourth and final part of the course will be devoted to workshop activities.

Testi Adottati

Students are asked to study M. Guarducci, L’epigrafia greca dalle origini al tardo impero (IPZS, Rome 1987) and the handouts provided during the course