Violence, Justice and Reconciliation in the Mediterranean of the Three Religions

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Violence, Justice and Reconciliation in the Mediterranean of the Three Religions
Dal 14 al 15 novembre 2024, presso il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, si terrà un seminario dal titolo "Violence, Justice and Reconciliation in the Mediterranean of the Three Religions.

Attenzione: il Convegno si terrà nelle seguenti aule:
14 novembre
mattina: Aula Paolo Radiciotti
pomeriggio: Sala del Consiglio
15 novembre
mattina: Sala del Consiglio
pomeriggio: Sala del Consiglio

Studiosi italiani e stranieri si incontreranno a Roma per presentare le loro ricerche e discutere un tema di particolare importanza: il rapporto tra pratiche di giustizia e appartenenza religiosa nella regione mediterranea durante la prima età moderna.

Italian and foreign scholars will meet in Rome to present their researches and discuss a topic of particular importance: the relationship between practices of justice and religious belonging in the Mediterranean region during the early modern period.


Thursday, 14 November
9:00 am - Paolo Broggio (Roma Tre University), Religion, justice, and normativity in the Mediterranean space: opening remarks

Peace in the Courts, Peace through the Courts
 9:30-10:00 am - Guido Dall’Olio (University of Urbino “Carlo Bo”), With God on our side: the impossible peace and the judgment of God
10:00-10:30 am - Deborah Scolart (University of Naples “L’Orientale”), Crimes against God vs. crimes against man: the place for conciliation in the perspective of Islamic criminal law
10:30-11:00 am - Serena Di Nepi (“Sapienza” University of Rome), Managing conflicts, preserving boundaries. Arbitration courts in the Roman ghetto (16th to 19th century)

Coffee Break

Marriage and Family Ties
11:30-12:00 am - Fernanda Alfieri (Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna), From a Means of Pacification to a Site of Conflict: Marriage and Gender Violence in Recent Historiography
12:00-12:30 pm - Guido Bartolucci (Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna), The Dispute over the Inheritance of Samuel Abravanel: Donna Benvenida and Her Sons Between Jewish Law and Christian Courts
12:30-1:00 pm - Eddy Benato (Roma Tre University), Courts in the capital as mediators of marital conflicts in the periphery. Elena Cumano vs. Giovanni Battista Facen between secular and ecclesiastical courts (Feltre-Venice, 1588)

Justice and Religion
3:30-4:00 pm - Debora Tonelli (Georgetown University - FBK-ISR), A Retrospective Glance: The Challenge of a Common Narrative as a way to peacebuilding
4:00-4:30 pm - Žiga Oman (Institute IRRIS, Slovenia) and Stuart Carroll (University of York), Beyond Mathematics: Lutheran Peacemaking in Early Modern Germany Between Theology and Practice
4:30-5:00 pm - Vjeran Kursar (University of Zagreb), Bosnian Franciscans and challenges of communal violence, justice and reconciliation in Ottoman Bosnia

 Friday, 15 November

Peacemaking Practices and Rituals
9:00-9:30 am - Angelika Ergaver (Institute IRRIS, Slovenia), The peacemaking and peacekeeping practices and rituals of Early Modern Age Montenegrin and North-Albanian Clans
9:30-10:00 am - Federico Stella (Pontifical Gregorian University), Magic and Demon Control as Instruments of Peace and Conflict between Catholics and Islamic Sorcerers across the Mediterranean Sea
10:30-11:00 am - Darko Darovec (Institute IRRIS, Slovenia), Giuliano del Bello, victim of the vendetta in Koper (Istria) in 1541 and 1686: two cases of violence and reconciliation

11:30 am-1:00 pm - Final roudtable with all speakers and the participation of Gianfranco Bria (Roma Tre University), Albane Cogné (Ecole française de Rome) and Alessandro Saggioro (Sapienza University of Rome)

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